British Association of Barbershop Singers

British Association of Barbershop Singers (BABS)

Great Britain


British Association of Barbershop Singers

  • Description
  • The British Association of Barbershop Singers (BABS) is a registered charity supporting male barbershop singing in the United Kingdom. We are the largest barbershop organisation outside North America, and have 60 registered choruses and over 100 registered barbershop quartets.
    Formed in 1974 BABS continues to grow year by year and we now have a total membership of over 2400. The main event of the year is our annual Convention, held in May, which attracts over 2,500 singers and guests, and in 2014 there were over 3300 attendees to help celebrate our 40th anniversary. The annual chorus and quartet contest take place at Convention, together with educational sessions and a number of shows, usually featuring International gold medallists.
    In addition, each year we hold a weekend long Harmony College, with over 300 students, and a Directors’ Academy for our own front-line chorus directors and their assistants; together they help the drive towards fulfilling our strategic aims of increasing numbers, increasing skills and increasing reputation.
    We are delighted to be an integral part of the World Harmony Council, having been instrumental in its formation, and get great pleasure from working with our fellow members in getting the whole world singing barbershop.
    Phone: TBA